PR is . . .

By: Rachel Riehl

“What’s your major?”

“Integrative public relations,” I say.

“What’s PR? What do you do with that degree?” 

Every family gathering, every introduction, every interview, this question comes up: what is PR? PR is such a broad field; this can be a daunting question. Even with the prevalence of PR in business and mass media, many people still don’t know what PR is.

PR is bettering a business. We work to raise brand awareness, market products and services and connected consumers to the business. We improve businesses by creating an organic form of advertising that is more genuine and trusting than traditional advertising.

PR is problem solving. When a crisis hits a company, we are the first responders. PR practitioners get the trust back from the public and communicate the point of view of the business we are representing.

PR is becoming an excellent writer. We learn all the rules and regulations of AP style and how to apply them. We write articles, press releases and fact sheets.

PR is selling yourself. You have to be prepared to make a connection with your colleagues and people in your business. Networking is key. Have business cards ready wherever you go and prepare to sell yourself with your elevator pitch.

PR is marketing, advertising, broadcasting, journalism, brainstorming and collaborating. PR is what you make of it. It is essential to a company’s existence.

Posted on September 27, 2016 .