PR is . . .

By: Rachel Riehl

“What’s your major?”

“Integrative public relations,” I say.

“What’s PR? What do you do with that degree?” 

Every family gathering, every introduction, every interview, this question comes up: what is PR? PR is such a broad field; this can be a daunting question. Even with the prevalence of PR in business and mass media, many people still don’t know what PR is.

PR is bettering a business. We work to raise brand awareness, market products and services and connected consumers to the business. We improve businesses by creating an organic form of advertising that is more genuine and trusting than traditional advertising.

PR is problem solving. When a crisis hits a company, we are the first responders. PR practitioners get the trust back from the public and communicate the point of view of the business we are representing.

PR is becoming an excellent writer. We learn all the rules and regulations of AP style and how to apply them. We write articles, press releases and fact sheets.

PR is selling yourself. You have to be prepared to make a connection with your colleagues and people in your business. Networking is key. Have business cards ready wherever you go and prepare to sell yourself with your elevator pitch.

PR is marketing, advertising, broadcasting, journalism, brainstorming and collaborating. PR is what you make of it. It is essential to a company’s existence.

Posted on September 27, 2016 .

Starting the semester off right

By: Nicole Roberts

The 2016-2017 school year has officially begun. Welcome weekend has passed, syllabus week is over and now it’s time to get ourselves prepared for the homework, exams and dreaded group projects that are soon to come. College is hard. We’re expected to do well in classes, be involved on campus, work part-time jobs, and on top of all of that, we’re all trying to maintain a social life. It can be hard.

Going into my fourth year of this busy college lifestyle, I’ve learned that the key to being successful is to get prepared early. Starting the year off right is essential, so I’ve provided some tips that can help you stay on track throughout the entire semester.

1.      Buy a planner and actually use it

Think you’re going to remember that assignment your professor told you about that’s due two weeks from now? Think again. Even when you’re a pro at remembering things, we all slip up. There can always be something more exciting to remember than reading chapter 4 of your communications book or studying for that AP style quiz. That’s where your planner comes in. Life gets busy and last minute obligations pop up, so you’re naturally bound to forget something at some point.  By simply getting a planner and actually using it, you can save yourself the struggle of trying to remember what day that quiz is or what time that RSO meeting is. 

2.      Make to-do lists EVERY week

There’s really nothing more satisfying than crossing things off of a to-do list. Give yourself 10 minutes on Sunday night to sit down and write out all of the things you need to get done for the upcoming week. I’ve found it beneficial to color code them so you can easily see what needs to be done for school, work, extracurricular activities, etc.

3.      Actually read your class syllabuses

Yes, syllabus week is over, and you’ve heard your professors give their spiels on their classes, but this doesn’t mean you should never look at those documents again.  Read them and familiarize yourself with the expectations your professors have for each of your classes. Print off copies and keep them in a place that is easily accessible. Not only can you keep track of upcoming assignments and tests that are coming up, but you’ll also have easy access to attendance policies, grading scales, assignment expectations, class schedules etc.

4.      Eat your vegetables

Take care of yourself. College gets busy and stressful and sometimes it’s easy to drop you from your priority list. Don’t let this happen. Make time to work out, make time to go grocery shopping so you aren’t eating out every day and make time to relax. All of that work you have to do isn’t going to get done if you’re sick or sleep deprived, so it’s important to schedule in “you time” so you can stay healthy and energized.

5.      Get to know your professors

Don’t be that student that only goes to their professors’ office hours at the end of the semester because you’re desperate for extra credit. Go to their office hours throughout the year even if you aren’t struggling in class and make the effort to build a relationship with them. I can’t stress enough how important this is. Having these relationships means having someone who’s available to give you advice, constructive criticism, that letter of recommendation you’re going to need, and it means having someone who can mentor you throughout your time at CMU. 

Posted on September 20, 2016 .

Traditional Vs. Digital PR

By: Drew Forrest 

Times have changed in the PR industry over the years. There is a divide in the industry’s communication strategy between new technology and the older original tactics. While I’ll go over these differences, it’s important we know where the industry is going and how we can master our craft with both.

Ways of Communicating

When the traditional PR expert needed to contact the masses they would go through the usual. This consisted of TV, radio, and newspapers. The PR agents of today emphasize a lot more two-way communication through social media. They still deliver their message through traditional mediums, but they also utilize social media to create conversation and communication.


The messages of traditional PR where completely introspective. Today’s digital PR messages provide much more meaningful content. When groups on social media show dissatisfaction or have questions about said organization, our PR expert can provide much more tailored individual messages about the company that special publics care much more about.

Message Attractiveness

In traditional PR a press release, is a press release, is a press release. Today, not only are there millions of organizations fighting for the media’s attention, but also, there are many underutilized ways to do it. With all of today’s digital technology, we can craft messages to be eye catching. This is extremely important in a world of constant competition for attention.

Tools of the Trade

In the field of communication, contacts are everything. In the days of traditional PR, managing those contacts could be a mess. Because of this, things would become detrimentally slow, and in the field of PR, slow communication is bad communication. In the digital age, a PR agent has a plethora of tools for just such a thing. These tools, also known as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools, keep communication quick and organized with things such as automatic reporting and managing influencer databases.


In traditional PR the lines between communication and promotional material were skewed. Every message was centered on how their company, or organization, was the best of the best. Today’s messages are much more personal. PR professionals focus on taking the successes of their company and talking about how they’ve grown, where they’re headed, and asking how their customers feel.

The field of PR is an ever changing landscape, constantly growing and evolving. The PR expert must be constantly adapting. Whether a college graduate or a seasoned expert, the job of learning what is trending on the forefront of the public is never over. 


Posted on April 3, 2016 .


By: Alyssa Tippens

It’s finally here; the magical time of year we’ve been counting down the days until-- Spring Break. The long winter days have been pretty excruciating, so it’s only natural to jump at the chance to lay your responsibilities aside for a while. But before you fly off to sunshine filled lands, (or simply hide away in your room and binge on your favorite movies), there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to maximize your chances of a successful vacation.

Sunscreen is key

If you’re anything like me, you have the uncanny ability to repress all the memories you’ve accumulated over the years of terrible burns, sun poisoning fiascos and overall failed attempts at getting a tan. If this sounds like you; do yourself a favor and just buy some sunscreen for once. You’ll still be able to reduce your pastiness, and stay healthy at the same time. Bad sunburns exponentially increase the risk of skin cancer later in life, and no tanning attempt is worth the problems that go along with it. Not to mention the terrible, terrible experience of taking the trip home with a bad sunburn (been there, done that).

Have an adventure

Spring break shouldn’t be all about parties and late nights. If you’re lucky enough to travel somewhere interesting over break, make sure you make the most of it and explore everything your vacation spot has to offer! If you’re near the ocean, try snorkeling or windsurfing!  If you’re in a more mountainous terrain, try some skiing, mountain biking, or hiking. Whatever you do, make sure to try something new. The best spring breaks you can have are the ones in which you seize opportunities that allow you to step outside of your comfort zone.

Look out for others

Wherever you go for spring break, make sure to always be looking out for your friends. (And everyone else, for that matter.) The buddy system is a tried-and- true way of staying safe, so don’t let a friend wander off in a strange place. You may be a grown up now and consider yourself responsible enough to navigate your way through a foreign place, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. On that same note, make sure to always have your phone fully chargedbefore you make your way out for the day. If you do get lost, at least you’ll have your trusty GPS to help you find your way home.

Stay ahead of the curve

While it’s tempting to completely forget all school-related matters over break, try to challenge yourself to get ahead on at least one assignment during your time off. It really won’t be as painful as it sounds (still trying to convince myself of this). If you’re stuck at home, you might as well make the most of your free time. You’ll feel super accomplished and prepared to take on the rest of the semester. 

Posted on March 3, 2016 .

Confessions of a Coffeeholic: Barista Edition

By: Claire Kupris 

            For those of you who choose methods of staying caffeinated outside of coffee, then suit your depresso self. Those who indulge in the espresso life, you know that you did not choose it, but it chose you. Especially when your own body sabotages you with the slug-like feeling when you are feigning for coffee and can hear the sound of a brewing pot from across the way. For me personally, that is what I get out of bed for. It also happens to be the way that I make money while being a college student. Luckily, instead of seeing stars from all the bucks that I throw at coffee, I manage to save some pennies from working amongst it. My tolerance for it is higher than my GPA, and my insight may vary from the average coffee sipper. However, being behind the counter a few times and making a couple hundred drinks, I would like to think that I brewed a thought or five while being a barista.

            For you posers out there, a “Frappuccino” is not really coffee. In fact, that buzz you feel after drinking it is not a caffeine rush, but rather, your body beginning to convulse from all the sugar it is processing. There is probably an eye-drop’s worth of caffeine throughout the whole drink, but in reality, all you are taking in is your daily dosage of calories. It also costs significantly more than any other orders on the menu, so consider it more of a delicacy than a drink.

            That dark roast that you ordered with no regrets? Well, you may not regret a letter, but you may rethink the roast. In fact, the lighter the roast, the more caffeine it contains. For a little lesson in the logistics of roasts, dark-roast coffees contain less coffee grounds due to their greater volume. This leads to a weaker brew and less caffeine power per mug. In other words, if you are looking for something that will transform you into a superhero, it may be safer to go with the lighter roast. Lighter roast, higher flight.

            No one actually likes “black” coffee. If you do, then you will agree that it is an acquired taste. One does not simply go from not drinking coffee to drinking black cups of it, not without jumping off the java wagon or making a face that only your mother would love. Black coffee drinkers are veterans who have managed to figure out that the drinks that taste good also are not good for you. When trying to cut calories from their favorite drink, it is going black that is going to count less. To get to this level, one may want to start with a minimum amount of creamer, eventually weaning it off until you no longer need it. However, one’s version of “need” may vary, so lets go with until you can accept the fact that how it makes you feel is better than how it tastes.

            Espresso shots are key when having little time to drink but a lot of work to do. For me personally, I can have five by ten in the morning and could go for five more. In fact, just today, I have consumed nine shots. Although, I would not recommend that to anyone unless you have already experimented with how your body reacts to caffeine.  Espresso shots are major key in the making of your latte or adding it to the brew of your choice, so cutting out the whole process of chugging a mug and replacing it with a few shots may just be doing yourself a favor. Again, use this advice wisely. No one wants to have a caffeine coma, am I right? Side note: save yourself from being the source of laughter and make sure you are pronouncing espresso as it is, and not as “expresso”.

            A latte is the skeleton of all specialty drinks outside of a traditional brew. Essentially it is espresso, steamed milk, and whatever flavoring that you ordered. A caramel macchiato is simply vanilla and caramel in a latte, and so on. A cappuccino is a cousin of a latte, just with less milk, more espresso, and a hearty heap of foam.

            When ordering a specialty drink, the barista is always going to make it with whole milk. The flavoring you asked for is also going to have sugar. A lot of sugar, so much you can give some to your neighbor. If you are someone who is body conscious or sensitive to dairy and or sugar, then speak up or forever down your fattening drink. Most locations will offer non-fat milk, soy, and sugar free syrups. Sure, it will not be a dessert in a cup, but you could save yourself a few extra pounds in the long run, if you are that type. If you are someone who is happy with your whole milk, sugary latte, then cheers to you.

            Overall, the art of drinking coffee is perceived differently amongst the masses. For someone who lives, breathes, drinks, and will probably die from coffee, it is a drink of the Gods. Others that know nothing about it other than the compulsive order they make when they are on an awkward blind date, they have probably dabbled in different drinks that were cringe worthy or left them content. For some of you, maybe you have managed your whole life without it. If you happen to be someone who has avoided up to the current day, then do not be surprised when you start to hug the pot when you are in your cubical having a mid-life crisis in twelve years. By then, coffee may be your saving grace. If you have made it to this point in this crash course in coffee, you are either craving a cup of your favorite poison or have maybe learned a thing or two from your friendly fellow barista. Whatever your method, stay caffeinated. 


Posted on February 21, 2016 .

PR Professional’s Guide to Handling Rejection

By: Isabella Krolikowski

You meticulously filled out your application. Your portfolio flawlessly showed your multifaceted skills. You connected with the interviewer. All that was left was waiting for a phone call congratulating you on your new position.

You received a coldly professional rejection email instead.

At this point, ice cream and Netflix seems like the only option for drowning your sorrows. Before you fall too far into the pit of despair, remember these three ways to positively handle rejection.

1. Remember that rejection happens to everyone.

Behind every great internship and career is plenty of rejections and missed opportunities. Even the most talented PR professionals have been turned down.

2. Use this as a learning experience.

Use this time to reanalyze how you can improve your interviewing skills. Send a thank-you email to your interviewer and ask them if there is anything that could make you a more viable candidate in the future. In order to get the best advice, make sure you keep your tone polite and gracious. Keep in mind that every interview you perform, whether it is successful or not, will make you better equipped for the next opportunity.

3. Keep applying.

An interview is one of the first stages in finding out whether or not you are a good fit for the organization. An opportunity that is a better fit for you will come along. The only way to discover your perfect position is to not take rejection personally and continue your search.

Rejection hurts. Ice cream and chatting with a supportive PR friend will ease the initial disappointment. In the long run, let rejection make you a better interviewee and professional.

Posted on February 15, 2016 .

The Dreaded Waiting Game

By: Jennifer Eskridge

It’s that time of the year where PR students everywhere are applying for their dream summer internships. You spend hours perfecting and proof reading you resume, cover letter and follow up emails only to hear…. nothing. Absolutely nothing. You have now entered the anxiety-filled waiting phase of the internship application process. Here are some tips to help curb the anxiety and help you navigate to the next phase, interviews!

1.     Apply for more than one type of internship.

Although your heart may be set on that big corporate internship this summer, apply for that nonprofit that caught your eye last week. Different type of businesses has different processes for sifting through their applicants. Smaller companies tend to go through applications quicker while big corporations may take three or four months. Get some experience interviewing while you wait for your dream internship to call.

2.     Follow up!

Haven’t heard from the company you applied for in a couple weeks? Shoot them an email! Following up shows them you are interested in the position which may make you stand out among the sea of applicants.

3.     Check your junk mail.

This is one I recently learned. After applying for Chrysler and not hearing back from almost three months, I thought for sure I was out of the running. Then one day between classes I got a phone call from Chrysler asking if I was still interested in a position. It turns out they had sent me a supplemental application four days prior, and it was in my junk mail. Awesome. Luckily I was still able to meet the deadline, but now I check my junk mail religiously.

4.     Keep living your life.

Internships are important, but so are school, PRSSA, and any other organizations you may be involved in. Once you send in your resume, it’s out of your control so try not to fret too much. Keep being the awesome PR pro you know you are and soon enough the waiting game will be over!

Good luck and happy internship hunting!

Posted on February 7, 2016 .

Five Tips For Landing A Summer Internship

By: Nicole Roberts

As February rolls around, it’s time to start sending out applications to land a summer internship. The thought seems terrifying and daunting to many of us, but it’s something we all must do. It’s not as bad as you may think, and by following these tips, you may just land you your dream internship.


1.     Research, Research, Research!

When Applying: Before you apply to any internship, it is important to figure out whether or not it would be a good fit for you and if you would be a good fit for them. Research their culture and the work they have their interns do. If you like what you see, go ahead and apply!

When Interviewing: Before you attend the interview, learn as much as you can about the company. One of the most common questions you’ll get at an interview is, “What do you know about our company?” Read up on their goals, values, culture, etc. It’s no secret that companies and organizations love hearing about how great they are, so do your homework.  

2.     Proof Read, Proof Read, Proof Read!

One small typo can break you when employers are looking through your resume and cover letter. Don’t be that person. Have multiple people read through your documents, whether it be a friend, professor or family member. Don’t let one typo ruin your chances. With that, be sure to triple check your cover letters when sending them to different companies. There is no worse feeling than realizing you sent a cover letter with the wrong company name to one of your dream internships. Trust me.

3.     Prepare for a writing test

It’s not unheard of to be given a writing test after an interview. Be sure to brush up on your AP style and make sure you know how to write a press release. You’re resume may tell them that you can do all of these things, but the writing test will prove that you can actually put something together, especially under some pressure.

4.     Follow up

When Applying: If you send in an application and don’t hear back for a couple of weeks, don’t hesitate to follow up with a phone call or email to make sure all of your information got to them okay. It’s a way to get your name in their heads, and it shows that you are extremely interested in the position.

After Interviewing: Within 24 hours of your interview be sure to send a hand-written thank you note to your interviewer. Most people who send thank you notes will do it via email, but a hand-written letter can really set you apart. It’s an easy way to get a potential future employer to remember you.

5.     Find a perfect interview outfit

Having a professional interview outfit is essential. It’s always better to overdress for an interview than underdress, so make sure you invest in a professional outfit.  Avoid wearing strong perfume or cologne in an interview, and if you’re a smoker, DON’T smoke before. Studies show that dressing up gives you more confidence as well, so who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that?


The whole searching for an internship/interviewing thing can be intimidating, but they key is to just be prepared. Best of luck my fellow PReeps. You can do it.  

“Have some courage and go for it,” – Jim Wojick 

Posted on February 1, 2016 .

My First Semester in PRSSA

By: Cathy Pace

As a freshman I fell into the trap of not getting involved. Despite hearing graduating seniors and alumni all state this as their biggest regret of their college career, I remained isolated from the various opportunities offered on campus.

Although I did not find an organization or group I connected with my freshman year, I did decide my major: integrative public relations. By the spring of 2015, I had signed my life away to earning a degree in a field I would learn to love.

Going into my sophomore year, fall 2015, I was focused on not only becoming involved recreationally, but also finding things that would help add to my arsenal of experience. There was consistent pressure to gain “resume builders” and be one step ahead of everyone else.

As a student studying PR it made sense to join organizations affiliated with the field. I had heard of PRSSA, but did not know much about it. I was nervous to step out of my comfort zone and attend the introductory meeting. Up until this point, I had never gone into something completely blind without being accompanied by a friend or acquaintance. I was pleasantly surprised by all of the friendly faces and the handful that were familiar, as well.

Throughout the semester I had the opportunity to work with my peers and discuss scenarios and tactics that will help prepare us for our future. I had the privilege of hearing various professionals speak about their careers and gained insight on what future employers look for in their employees. I joined the publications committee and have been able to meet a new, smaller group of people on an individual basis. My first semester as a part of this committee has taught me the importance of deadlines, it has required me to collaborate with others and overall, it has given me writing experience. Without this committee I would not be nearly as involved as I am today.

My first semester as a member of PRSSA has been insightful. I have gained so much more than another bullet point on a resume. I have made friends, I have learned so much and I still have room to grow. I hope to connect with a variety of people this semester and develop skills that I have not yet mastered (like design...). I am grateful that I pushed myself to get involved, and I know I chose the right organization to become a part of.

Posted on January 25, 2016 .

LinkedIn For Dummies

By: Natalie Campbell

Before college I never paid much attention to what LinkedIn was, and potentially what it has to offer. It turns out it’s not just for top executives or old people with briefcases. It’s time to transition from campus to career, and the amount of college students looking for a job is bigger than ever. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from the rest is important. A complete and clean LinkedIn profile can help you do just that.

LinkedIn can help you:

1.     Showcase Yourself

Show people who you are and where you come from. Your profile is equivalent to an online resume although, unlike a paper copy, you have no control over when or who sees it.  Pretend someone is always looking, and make sure you keep your profile clean and up-to-date. This means you should have a concise profile summary, similar to what your cover letter would look like. Be detailed but keep it simple. No one wants to read a lengthy bio, so make it short and straight to the point. Show that you are confident about your qualifications and personal goals by including actual examples of your work to show employers what you can produce. After you have created a thorough LinkedIn profile, it’s time to use this business-oriented site for what it’s made for.

2.     Get Found

It’s not necessarily always about what you know, but who you know. In today’s job market, it’s all about networking and making connections. To start out, invite people you know and trust such as your friends, family, former colleges and even current co-workers. As you build connections, try and customize your requests with a little personal note on why you want to connect. Joining groups on LinkedIn can help you branch out and form new connections as well. Reach out to alumni from your school in similar career fields for advice in their profession. Get social proof of your skills and talents and let others recommend and endorse you. After you’ve built up a strong network base, you can start job-hunting or seeking a desired internship.

3.     Start Applying

After you’ve tailored your profile to its upmost perfection, it’s time to look for your ideal job. There’s no better place to launch your career than LinkedIn. Do your research and visit different organization’s company pages. Don’t be shy, join groups that intrigue you, diversify yourself. Make sure your profile has a good, professional picture of you. This is a critical aspect to making a good first impression. Be sure to review your recommendations. Try to get your foot in the door and access experts in your area of interest. Also, inbox recruiters to help you find what job applicants they’re looking for. Remember, your profile is essentially your resume that never sleeps and it should scream, “Hire me!” So, stand out, be active and leverage this amazing social network. 

Posted on January 10, 2016 .

The PR Student Guide to an Organized Life

By: Madison Hutton

Winter break is your time for a fresh start. Finals are over, meetings have ended and now it is finally your time to get your life back in order. My personal recommendation is that you take a few days to yourself. Read a book, runaway to a coffee shop for a day and just listen to music, spend the day in bed with your favorite movies and chocolate, whatever it is, do it. Then, after you’ve rejuvenated yourself and slept for hours, it’s time to get your life back. Follow this fresh start guide and you’ll come back the professional you always knew you could be.

Step 1: Coffee

Not just a cup, you need the whole pot. Coffee will be your partner in crime, cheering you on through this process. So, grab the biggest cup you have and start drinking, it’s going to be long day.


Step 2: New Semester New You

Take everything out of your back pack/professional bag. All of your papers, folders, books and notecards and start sorting. Get rid of what you really don’t need and store the important things (portfolio pieces, notes about PR, etc.) in one central place.

Step 3: Get Yourself a Planner

If you already have one, you’re one step ahead! If you have yet to get one, go to the store right now and pick one out. Get one with a fun color or design, that way you already love it.

Step 4: Start Writing!

This will be the most important step. Grab colorful pens and open up your planner. For each task, chose a different color, this will help you remember your schedule better. Next, start writing:

1.)   Classes first. Pull up your schedule and start writing in room numbers, class number and class time.

2.)   Write meetings. Committee meetings, organization meetings and work meetings. Write them all in and put stars next to them so you will remind yourself how important they are.

3.)   Check each class syllabus for exam dates. If you write them in early, you won’t have any “oh no we have an exam today?!” moments.

4.)   Schedule yourself time to do professional development tasks every day. For example, resume touch-ups, website building and portfolio organizing.

Step 5: You’re Almost There!

Now that you have a clean back pack, a beautifully color coded planner and more caffine in your system than you can handle, it’s time for the final step, your portfolio. I know, I know, portfolios are a scary concept we all know we need to do but just cant quite get around to doing it. Now is the time, whether you’re a freshman or a senior, it’s important to get your pieces together. Start organizing your portfolio pieces into specific categories in a binder. This binder will begin to grow and before you know it, you’re officially a professional PR student with their life together.

Posted on December 15, 2015 .

Let's Talk About Mental Health

By: Dana Blankenship 

Mental health. Something I know little about, but am extremely interested in. Mental health is captivating in the fact that a large number of college students, 1 in 5, suffer from some sort it. 20 percent! 20 percent of college students suffer from mental health, the largest percentage of students ever in the United States.

What is mental health? I have no idea. Sure, it is depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, but I do not know how to recognize it. I think that is the scariest part about mental health; it is a silent disease. By the sound of it, I don’t think many other college students know how to recognize it either. College students also assume that there is this negative stigma around mental health; that if you have anxiety or depression you are suddenly a weak student and person.

What can we do about mental health? It is always a good idea to take a step back and evaluate the situation. Sure, this may not work for everyone, but it is good to remember that we are not alone. I have a test tomorrow, but so do 29 other CMU students. I have a to present a research project next week, but that is along with the rest of my COM 362 classmates. Others recommend doing something off task that could help you refocus. If you have time, take a walk around your town. If you can draw, sketch what you are feeling. Some universities even bring ‘stress animals’ to their campuses in an effort to help students relax. Hey, I understand, if I play with a puppy for ten minutes I guarantee that I would feel better that I felt before.

If none of the above work for you, it is always good to remember there are external resources that you can reach out to. I will use my school, Central Michigan University as an example. Started more than 20 years ago, CMU implemented the Take Care system that provides counseling and help to any CMU student. If you notice that one of your friends is acting different, seemingly depressed or stressed, you can call the Take Care staff that will then intervene as a third party. Their job is to provide resources and options to this student, anything to relieve their mental stress. Take Care can recommend counseling sessions, locate local police for you, find academic tutoring and advising or help with any sort of student problem. Even if you don’t want to directly get involved, you can anonymously call about a friend who needs help. I’m sure other universities have programs similar to this, all in the interest of student welfare and mental health.

I have seen many friends fight the battle with mental health and I know it is not an easy war. I don’t wish it on anyone. Students think that no one else has these problems, so why should they? They think of it as a sign of weakness. It’s not, and that is a lame response. Anxiety, depression, trauma, stress only get the best of you when students don’t seek the help they need.

I encourage everyone to take action, whether it is prevention or empowerment for your mental health. Know that you have the resources to back you up and that you can make the best of any situation.

Posted on December 8, 2015 .

Blab or Periscope?

By Orrin Shawl

Tell me I have no life, but the highlight of my summer was being able to watch my favorite podcasters make their show live on my phone. By using both Blab and Periscope, I was able to sit back, relax and enjoy multiple podcasts.

Periscope is a mobile app that provides live broadcasts from a mobile device. The broadcast can be replayed multiple times, but is only available for a limited time period. Periscope displays live comments from viewers and sessions you “like” can automatically be tweeted to your account.

Blab is also a mobile app that provides live broadcasts. It broadcasts up to four people talking at the same time, which usually requires a host with other users calling in. This app also allows you to view conversations at a later time. 

That all being said, here are how the two apps differ from each other:

1) Topics

Whenever I go to the home screen for Blab, it’s all too easy for me to find streams about topics relating to public relations such as hashtags, blogging tips, small business marketing and news recaps.

Periscope feeds mostly seem to be random people laying on their beds and chatting with their watchers about their lives. I’ve also seen reporters use it for meetings. It’s not as focused to one certain topic like blab is.

2) Social Media

Basically, Blab is the live-streaming version of LinkedIn and Periscope is like Facebook in its early days.

Since I monitor my Twitter often, the people I follow who use Periscope automatically have tweets sent out announcing they’re using it. Blab doesn’t have that, and it’s harder for me to tell when my favorite people are using it. However, Blab keeps their streams available to watch for a much later time than Periscope, which only has their replay streams up for about a day before it disappears (like Snapchat).

3) Function

To me, Blab is much better when it comes to networking with professionals. You can go to their website ( or go on the app and see several discussions about several business-related topics. However, Blab streams have frozen up on me way fewer times than Periscope.

As far as I could tell, Periscope had been around since June, where Blab (still in its Beta phase) has been around since September. Blab has similarities to Periscope with a major exception of more than one live stream being able to appear on the same screen like Google Hangouts.

Periscope may not be taken as seriously as Blab when it comes to professional conversations, but the heart floating up the side of their stream like chimney smoke is a nice touch.


Posted on November 30, 2015 .

PRSSA National Conference

By: Jennifer Eskridge

As a new member of PRSSA, I am determined to make the most out of what this organization has to offer. To me, this included making the journey to Atlanta at the beginning of this month for PRSSA National Conference. This conference was a great learning experience as it introduced me to the professional world, as well as the fascinating experiences that conferences can hold. Here is a list of the top five lessons I learned while attending conference!

1.     Don’t be afraid to be alone.

Now I’m not saying it’s a smart idea to wander around an unknown city alone. By this I mean go to the speakers YOU want to listen to regardless if anyone else from your group wants to. My favorite and most fulfilling sessions I attended were the two I went to by myself. Not only did I get to learn from the professionals that interested me, but it gave me the chance to network with students from other chapters.

2.     Everyone wants to network.

As future public relations professionals, we are entering a world where everyone wants to know everyone. As a student, I found it intimidating to speak with the PRSA professionals when in fact, they absolutely loved getting the chance to share their experiences with students.

3.     Dress the part.

The biggest and most helpful step in preparation for this conference I took was investing in a suit. Each morning I woke up and suited up for the day. I left my room feeling confident and ready to network!

4.     Bring business cards.

Unfortunately, I did not bring any business cards with me this trip and it something I regret. I still found it possible to network and make connections without business cards, but they serve as that simple reminder of you after the conversation has ended.

5.     Take time to have fun!

During my time in Atlanta I was able to learn so much and network with many of my peers, but some of my favorite memories happened outside of the hotel walls. When you attend conferences the main goal is to learn, but getting the chance to explore a new city is all a part of the experience! Even if it means getting caught in the rain.

Posted on November 22, 2015 .


By: Alexandria Haymaker 

So you’ve finally finished college, and what a ride it was! You hop out into the proverbial real world, and you realize how lost you really are. Don’t worry. Everyone gets that feeling of jetlag. Here are some dos and don’ts to give you some direction and reassurance. 

1. Don’t stress about not knowing the future. It’s okay to have an idea of what you want to do, but make sure that you are flexible enough to seize opportunities that become available. 

2. Don’t be discouraged by your first paycheck. Of course, make sure that you can make ends meet, but realize as well that your first job is just a stepping stone in your career path. 

3. Don’t be “that guy.” Build your personal brand. Don’t be the one people are talking about behind their back. Do your work. Do it right. Always do your best on the little things, and the big things will come much easier. 

4. Do make the most of your opportunities. Be a rock star with the opportunities you are given, especially the ones that will look good on a resume. Always give them your all, and make sure you nail it. 

5. Do network. It’s easy to say-not easy to do, but seriously, network. Don’t wait for a position to come available before you start talking to someone from the company you are interested in working for. Proactively network within an organization. Reach out and ask for a 15-minute phone conversation. Ask questions about their job and what they do. It’s flattering, and they will almost never say no. 

6. Don’t ask for something the first time you network with someone. Develop a relationship. People are more likely to do favors for someone they know. No one wants to help someone that comes to them with their hand out. 

7. Don’t think you’ll have your dream job right off the bat. You might look around and see some of the people you graduate living the dream. Always remember that they are the exception-not the rule. Work hard, and you will end up in a job that you enjoy too. 

8. Do ask questions. Ask questions without being needy. Yes, make sure the things you do are done right, but try not to be running in and out of your supervisor’s office. Make a list of questions and kill three or four birds with one stone. It makes work run more smoothly for everyone.

Posted on November 15, 2015 .

Dress To Impress

By: Natalie Campbell 

As many of us college students know, at one point or another in our lives there comes a time when you will have an interview for the job of your dreams. Interviews are all about first impressions and marketing yourself. With that being said, the outfit you wear to an interview is one of the most crucial aspects of defining who you are. Whether you’re worth the position you’re applying for or not, you better dress like it. You may not be remembered for how well you dressed but surely you can be negatively remembered for how bad you looked. Avoid this obstacle and dress to get hired. Many jobs may have more of a casual dress code but remember you don’t have the job yet so it’s better to be overdressed then underdressed. 


For Men

It is reccommended that men wear a matching 2-piece suit colored suit. A navy or dark grey work well with a long sleeve collared shirt, preferably white or other neutral colors. A tie is also important, and most of the time required. Try and stick with a solid color, but don’t go overboard with a pattern or loud print. Shoes should be dark leather (clean and polished) worn with equally dark socks that are tall enough to cover the ankles. Belts typically coincide with the shoes, so find a leather belt that is similar to the color of your shoes. It’s important to try on your outfit the night before to be sure everything fits appropriately.  Make sure you iron out any visible wrinkles for the best possible look.


For Women

A woman’s look is a little more complex compared to a man’s. You can either wear a suit jacket or a blazer. Both go hand in hand, but a suit jacket tends to be more formal. With either choice in mind, try to aim for a navy, dark grey or even black. Either option can be paired with a blouse, preferably collared. Look for a shirt with a neckline more on the high side. You never want to show too much skin. Transparent blouses are completely unacceptable! As for a skirt, it should be just past the knees and long enough to comfortably sit down in.  Consider wearing pantyhose for more of a professional look. As for shoes, you should wear close-toed heels/pumps with a conservative height, no higher than 2 ½ inches. Lastly, you can accessorize with simple jewelry such as accent studs or pearls. You could even throw in a fitted watch as long as its color coordinates. Try and avoid hoops and bangles or anything that can jingle as it may annoy interviewer.

Research shows it only takes six seconds for an employer to look at your resume to decide if you’re a viable candidate. It takes even less than that for someone to judge your appearance, so it’s important to dress for the job you want. Some more things to consider when dressing for an interview are to cover any visible tattoos and remove any facial piercings you may have. Depending on what a company may permit, it’s better to come in with a cleaner look.

Posted on November 9, 2015 .

Redoing Your Resume

By: Dana Blankenship

With the Internship Fair coming up, there is one thing that will set you apart from other students: your resume. If you’re like me, you don’t really like to update your resume and tend to prolong the entire process, which is generally a bad idea. So, in times like this, rebuilding your resume doesn’t have to be so hard. Here are some tips that will help you make your resume stand out.


Put School Information on Your Resume

Some businesses don’t appreciate your school information (GPA, major, minor), but at the end of the day you are a student. Sure, you shouldn’t have it on your resume two years after graduating, but it’s appropriate to have school information on your resume now.

Make Bullet Points Achievement Oriented

At the end of the day, recruiters want to see what you have accomplished in your various positions. That being said, make your bullet points achievement oriented to show how your contributions made a valuable impact on your organization. Recruiters also appreciate seeing detailed numbers as a way of tracking your achievements in your results oriented bullet points.

Don’t Over-Design

It is becoming more and more popular to use InDesign to create your resume. This is a great tool and trend, but remember not to over-design your resume. It can be fun and engaging, but recruiters only look at your resume for 15-30 seconds, and if they are overwhelmed by design you can bet they will toss your resume right into the trash. Show your design talents in your portfolio or on a personal website instead.


Always have multiple friends, classmates or mentors look over your resume. You don’t want to be caught with a misspelled word or incorrect title, and if you ask your friends to give your resume a look it can be avoided. Recruiters see hundreds of resumes for potential internships, and a mistake is one of the easiest things to cast a resume off for.

To make your resume stand out, I also suggest using thicker paper to print it on. This is an old trick, but one that has captured internships for students before, and it can work for you.

Good luck in the future when trying to get internships! You can do it.


Posted on November 8, 2015 .

How To Succeed in Public Relations as an Introvert

By: Elise Hubel

Public relations is one of the most social fields there is. I mean, it has public in the name! As a profession that requires more talking and more interactions than most, it is easy to assume that every public relations professional is an extreme extrovert. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Just like in the real world, public relations consists of both extroverts and introverts. Now you may be thinking, how on earth does an introvert succeed in a field that requires so much human interaction? The answer is, there are many ways for an introvert to fit in and be successful in the field of PR. Introverted people have many traits that are highly beneficial as a public relations professional.



Often times, a PR profession will handle numerous clients all at one time. This juggling of various activities can often be overwhelming. With so many different tasks, all based on different client needs, it is important that those in public relations are able to concentrate on each task at hand, while still maintaining all deadlines. Introverts are often known for their high concentration skills. Because of their tendencies to think more than they speak, those considered to be introverted are able to concentrate on each task at hand, while simultaneously juggling numerous tasks. These increased abilities to concentrate, allow introverted individuals to excel in the PR world by allowing them to handle the many tasks needed as a PR professional.



Introverts are often stuck inside their own heads. Rather than candidly speaking or behaving, as their extroverted colleagues may, introverted people will thoroughly consider their words or actions before sharing with others. In a world as public as PR, this trait can be highly rewarding. Any work produced for public relations will be shown to hundreds, if not thousands of people. Whether press release, a new campaign or simply a social media post, all work done by a PR professional will be seen by the public. An introverts tendency to carefully plan his/her actions ensures that all produced work will be professional and up to the client’s expectations.



Public relations is all about achieving goals. Whether the goal is to make a client appear better to the public, to increase Twitter followers or to create more awareness of a new campaign, every task in public relations requires a concrete mission. Once a measurable outcome is set, a PR professional does all they can to achieve it. Commitment to goals is a major introvert trait. Regardless of the desired outcome, individuals considered introverted will do whatever it takes to ensure their goals are met. This innate need to accomplish his/her objectives makes an introverted PR professional an asset to any organization, as he/she is certain to work as hard as possible toward his/her desired outcome.  

Posted on November 1, 2015 .

Fall In Love with Starbucks Promotions

By: Madison Hutton 

Although Summer has ended much too quickly, we now get to enjoy the comfort of a hot cup of coffee along with the inviting colors of the fall leaves. And you have to admit, there truly is nothing better than a hot cup of coffee on a cool autumn morning.

Say your bittersweet farewell to Summer and move on to autumn with the help of Starbucks. They introduced their first new autumn espresso in four years- Toasted Graham Latte. The sweet cream of the latte and cinnamon graham cracker crumbles to top it off creates a savory drink you will want to take with you into every season.

But, let’s put a spotlight on the marketing and promotion used for this tasty treat. Besides creating a sidekick for the Pumpkin Spice Latte, Starbucks is promoting their drink with a limited edition cup design for fall. When Jimmy Balch, senior designer for Starbucks, decorated the famous white cup, he had no idea it would become such a sensation.

Balch created a design that would become a fall staple. The Toasted Graham Latte was given the limited edition cup as it’s promotion tool to kick off the start of fall with a design that gets you in the mood for the falling leaves to come. In doing this, Starbucks essentially created a fall campaign that customers won’t want to end.

Now, I have one final task for you after reading this. Engage in the world of promotions and try a delicious Starbucks Toasted Graham Latte. I know, it’s a step out of your comfort zone for most of you Pumpkin Spice fans. However, fall is about change, so I challenge you to try the new delectable drink while admiring its beautiful cup design.

Also, feel free to comment and let us know what you thought of the new latte.

Coffee .png
Posted on October 25, 2015 .

I Can't Even

By: Alex Haymaker 

I know what you’re thinking.  Scary, isn’t it? You are thinking, “I wish I were as talented as ________.” “____________ has way more experience than I do.” “__________ is so good at graphic design, and I can’t even draw a circle.” Been there. Done that. Let me tell you from experience that it’s all trash, so throw it away right now. 

Starting out in the PR program can be overwhelming and even completely defeating at times.  It seems like all you hear are people talking about how they had three or four internships before they graduated.  Your classmates are complaining that they have to take things off their resume’ while you’re still trying to find things to fill yours. 

Instinctively, you see people who are “at the top,” and you paint a picture in your mind of PR gods that write press releases while sleeping and plan flawless events when they sneeze.  Well, I’m here today with some earth shattering news. The people that you look up to are not perfect, and they are certainly no better than you.  They have the same struggles with confidence.  They don’t have their entire lives figured out.  I’m not kidding.

That being said, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1.  You have something they don’t. PR is about teamwork, and you have great things to offer. No one can be a master of everything, and you have something valuable.  Find your strengths, and don’t be afraid to utilize them. 
  2.  You need help.  Without a doubt, you will notice your own weaknesses.  Find someone that is talented in an area that you lack understanding or ability, and build your skills.  Ask for help.  It shows strength, not weakness.
  3. You should do stuff.  Put your skills to practice and work to improve yourself.  You can only do this by choosing to get involved.  Real world experience yields real world results.

My point is this: stop putting yourself down.  You have the ability to do great things, and with the desire to learn, grow and get involved, you will do just that.  

Posted on October 18, 2015 .